
Afree,full-featured,anduser-friendlyalarmclock.Thisfreewareprogramallowsyoutosetasmanyalarmsasyouwant.Youcansetone-timealarmsor ...,2024年1月3日—VideoguideonhowtosetalarminWindows10:;Step1:ClicktheStartbutton,openAllappsintheStartMenu,andchooseAlarms&Clock.,2020年12月22日—1.TypealarmintotheWindowssearchbox.;2.ClicktheAlarms&Clockicon.;3.Clicktheplugbuttontoaddanewalarmtime.Youcan ...,2...

Free Alarm Clock for Windows

A free, full-featured, and user-friendly alarm clock. This freeware program allows you to set as many alarms as you want. You can set one-time alarms or ...

How to Set Alarm in Windows 10

2024年1月3日 — Video guide on how to set alarm in Windows 10: ; Step 1: Click the Start button, open All apps in the Start Menu, and choose Alarms & Clock.

How to Set Alarms in Windows 10

2020年12月22日 — 1. Type alarm into the Windows search box. ; 2. Click the Alarms & Clock icon. ; 3. Click the plug button to add a new alarm time. You can ...

How to Set an Alarm on Your Windows 10

2023年5月9日 — Type Alarm & Clock or Just Clock into the Windows search box. Click on it. 3. Click the plus + button ...

How to use alarms and timers in the Clock app in Windows ...

To launch the app, select Start and select Clock from the app list or type its name into the search box. Alarms and timers work even if the app is closed or ...

Windows Apps for Alarms & Clock

Windows Apps for Alarms & Clock · Alarm Clock HD for Windows 10 · ClocX · Talking Alarm Clock · WakeupOnStandBy · Modern Clock XIV for Windows 10 · TimeLeft.

如何在Windows 10 的時鐘應用程式中使用鬧鐘和計時器

若要啟動應用程式,請選取[開始 ],然後從應用程式清單中選取[時鐘],或在搜尋方塊中輸入其名稱。 即使關閉應用程式或鎖定裝置,鬧鐘與計時器仍會運作。


鬧鐘,計時器,秒錶,時鐘,待辦事項清單,生日提醒以及其他一切可以組織和安排時間的事情。 Hot Alarm Clock軟件超級靈活並且可以完全自定義。